Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Piece of Patsy

Just a little clip from 2008's Women of Faith conference of Patsy Clairmont. She's great - funny and full of God's grace and revelation. We are still in her study of "I Second That Emotion" on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 7p in the Sacred Grounds house.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stocking the shelves...

We are still in the Patsy Clairmont study of Emotions. Good stuff - engages us in good discussions about life and it's nice to have girl-time with fellow sinners who love Jesus. By the way - CONGRATULATIONS ANGIE!!! We're all excited to have a Jake-clone soon!

Monday night we discussed Abigail from 1 Samuel (
read her story). This was a lady praised for her beauty AND intelligence. She had it all - including a scoundrel of a husband. Talk about rude. He refused to honor David by paying in food/supplies for services rendered by his men protecting Nabal's flocks. David was literally ready to kill. Abigail, however, was wiser than her husband and took supplies to David asking him not to kill anyone. Well, it all works out to God's Glory in the end. But the point that I had always skipped over was how much Abigail took to David.

Patsy - via dvd - pointed out that Abigail had been stocking her shelves for this moment. She HAD to have been to take 200 loaves of bread, wine, 5 dressed sheep, 5 bushels of roasted grain, 100 cakes of raisins, & 200 cakes of pressed figs. Now - this part starts out, "Abigail lost no time..." She was prepared. Patsy said she probably also took off her shelves faith, courage, etc. These she also had prepared.

The question was asked - how are we prepared when crisis comes into our lives? Well, are you prepared?